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Summer 2024 UCARE starts June 1

UNL photography student and faculty mentor

Undergraduate research at UNL includes the arts, education, engineering, humanities, and the traditional sciences like chemistry, biology, and physics. Research projects range from studying switchgrass plants grown for biofuel to identifying and cataloging the poems of Walt Whitman, from exploring the effects of background noise on productivity to creating textiles made of corn. The UCARE program is supported by generous gifts from the Pepsi Quasi Endowment and Union Bank & Trust.

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UCARE summer program

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A research opportunity for the academic year (Sept – Apr).

Skill-Building Seminars


Enhance your UCARE experience with development workshops

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Kayla Vondracek

From left to right, Kayla Vondracek, Dr. Jessica Corman and Matthew Chen take a look at an algae sample while standing in the Niobrara River. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communications)

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